
Now For Something Different: Technicolored Pets in China…….

Oh my Gauche!
China unleashed!

It looks like these dogs barfed up in Disney technicolor

The Tundra Tabloids’ initial gut reaction is……. revulsion.

Woof justice? Meet the pooches with their very own
amazing technicolour dreamcoats

Their appetites for new fashions and trends continues unabated. But the Chinese may have taken the West’s love of pets just a step too far. Recent figures show money spent on pets across the nation has seen nearly a 500 per cent increase between 1999 and 2008 – but, arguably, at the cost of their pets’ dignity.

As these pictures from Wuhan in central China’s Hubei province show, pet owners are taking their beloved dogs to grooming parlours where the poor creatures are not just given a shampoo and cut – but a full-on, multi-coloured fur job.

So the animals don’t just emerge polished and primped but transformed with coats in hues of hot pink, mustard, emerald green and Prussian blue. The pictures have come in the same week as China drafted its first law on animal protection.

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