
Update On Asheville Teacher Diantha Harris The Bully…….

The Tundra Tabloids broke the story on Diantha Harris this past Monday, the Asheville North Carolina teacher caught in a Swedish documentary badgering and bullying a pupil because she supported John McCain for president. Well the Tundra Tabloids has been busy following up on the story to find out which school Diantha Harris was/still is teaching at.
UPDATE: The TT has been deluged by responses by from its readers. A VERY BIG THANK YOU!
What is known now, thanks to diligent readers’ efforts, is that her name is actually Diantha Harris, the Swedish documentary misspelled her name, so it’s no fault of the TT, which only reported the facts as it saw them. Also, a commentor left the following info on Diantha Harris:
She’s in Cumberland County… Fayetteville. A LONG way away from Asheville.
Apparently you can email her directly from the school’s website.
You can use your 1st amendment rights as an American to let this woman know what you think of her educational techniques!
Email Diantha: http://www.mmes.ccs.k12.nc.us/email/diathaharris.htm


Original post:
What I have been able to ascertain from the scant information available about the woman in question on the Internet, she is not employed as a regular teacher, but more likely as a substitute. Her ex-husband, Roy Harris happened to be on the Board of Education for the Asheville City Schools, so it is very likely that, Diantha Harris’s ex-husband is responsible for securing a place for his wife to teach, at least that’s how I see it until proven otherwise.

The TT is seeking any available information about this woman, is she a real licenced teacher, and in what school, in order for the proper local authorities to be contacted and informed on what took place in that class room. Hopefully someone is from the area, or knows of someone living in the area that could do some digging. Any help would be appreciated.

Grade school ‘teacher’ Diantha Harris in Ashville N.Carolina, grilling the young, and shaping their minds.

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