
Israel Realigns Its Security Fence…….

Once again the myth, canard and bogus hooey over Israel’s security fence being a “de facto” land grab, is as false as grandma’s upper plate, but that of course won’t stop the Left from spreading lies about it. The Left has staked so much into the lies about the fence that any mention of truth concerning Israel’s true intentions falls on deaf ears.
Here is more from the J’lem Post about it. The next time someone mentions the “land grab” canard, direct them to this post. KGS
“Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have agreed to change the planned route of the security fence in the Ma’aleh Adumim area and build it to the west of the originally planned route, leaving 4,000 dunams (approx. 990 acres) of land – which are the property of nearby Arab villages – east of the barrier.
The two petitions were filed to the court by residents of the Arab villages of Abu Dis and Azariya. They claimed that the fence’s route was encroaching on their freedom of movement and robbing them of their land.
The fence’s route in the Ma’ale Adumim area, also known as area E1, has been a source of ongoing controversy. E1 is bordered by Jerusalem’s French Hill neighborhood to the west, Abu Dis to the southwest, Kedar to the south, Ma’aleh Adumim to the east and Almon to the north.”

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