Gender apartheid multiculturalism Political Correctness

For Multiculturalism’s Sake: Finnish Op-ed Promotes Gender Apartheid Swimming For Children…….

Following the bread crumb trail left by the multiculturalists in their pursuit of a greater cohesion of a “multicultural society, can be at times, dizzying to say the least. The reason why the logic employed by the MC/PC crowd is so terribly difficult to follow, is because it’s usually contradictory to the point of being outlandishly buffoonish.

Take for an example the op-ed that is featured in today’s edition of the Helsingin Sanomat, in which Gun Anderson, the director of family issues department at Folkhälsan (in English), writes about the importance of the inclusion of immigrant children in Finnish society
Maahanmuuttajanuoret oppivat osallistumista ikäistensä joukossa / Immigrant youths learn from participating in their own age group“.
“…Suomessa on nykyisin 34 000 toisesta kulttuurista muuttanutta alle 18-vuotiasta lasta ja nuorta; vuonna 1990 heitä oli alle 5 000. Äidinkielenään he puhuvat vähintään sataakymmentä eri kieltä.” […] “Monien vieraista kulttuureista muuttaneiden nuorten on vaikea kokea osallisuuden tunnetta. He elävät kahden kulttuurin välissä ja valitsevat usein molemmista helpoimmat osat. Useat nuoret toimivat vapautumisprosessissaan vastoin omaa kulttuuriaan, mutta eivät silti saa valtakulttuurin hyväksyntää. “
Translation: In Finland there are 34 000 children under the age of 18 that have moved from another culture; in 1990 they numbered under 5000. As a mother language they speak no less than a hundred different languages”. […] “Many of the immigrant youths from a different culture have difficulties in experiencing the feeling of inclusion. They live between two cultures and often choose the easier portions of both. Many youths act in the liberating process against their own culture but are still not accepted by the majority culture.”
Fair enough, but the problems these immigrant children have experienced are no different than what all other immigrant children have experienced throughout history, and yet, history has proven that when the will is there, people either intergrate themeselves or completely assimilate in spite of some of the intial problems encountered while growing up.
Perhaps part of the difficulties encountered by these children, are due to the homogeneous nature of the host culture, it’s overwhelmingly…Finnish. But perhaps the other reason why some of these immigrant children may not feel included, might have more to do with the parents of the child than the reactions of the host society. It’s a two way street, and it appears that Anderson is only looking one way, who continues further with her reasoning:
Kahden kulttuurin välissä eläminen voi aiheuttaa ihmiselle heikon identiteetin. Nuoria olisikin tuettava arvostamaan omaa kulttuuriaan. Siten he oppivat kunnioittamaan ja ymmärtämään myös kulttuuria jossa elävät”.
Translation:Living between to cultures can cause a person to have a weak identity. Youths need to be supported to value their own culture. Then they will learn to respect and to understand the culture in which they live.”
High minded thoughts, but what happens when the parents of these immigrant children maintain a certain level of animosity towards the host culture? When societal values (like it or not) are based on a religion alien to that of the new immigrants, (whose religion deems all other belief systems to be grossly inferior to their own) it’s a recipe for disaster. Well, it’s needless to say that Anderson doesn’t address “that fly in the soup” at all, because she can’t, her logic doesn’t allow for such a scenario. She continues:
Jotta ihminen voisi kokea osallisuutta, hänen olisi tunnettava itsensä tervetulleeksi. Muista kulttuureista tulevat nuoret eivät kasva itsestään osallisuuteen. Jotkut heistä tulevat kulttuureista, joissa demokratia ja osallistuminen päätöksentekoon ovat täysin vieraita käsitteitä. Osallistumista täytyy harjoitella ja se tulee oppia.”
Translation: “In order for a person to experience participation, he/she should be made to feel welcome. Youths from many cultures are not raised to particpate. Some of them come from cultures in which democracy and taking part in decision making are entirely foreign thoughts. Participation needs to be praticed and it will be learnt.”
Again, it sounds good on the face of it, but again its a two-way street, and the most a society can do is to allow the new comer the ability to participate in society as an equal person, the rest is up to them. More:
Kulttuurierojen huomioiminen voi tarkoittaa sitä, että meidän on oltava joustavia ja kunnioitettava myös uskonnollisia tai moraalisia näkökohtia. Tavoite – uimataidon oppiminen – on kuitenkin yhteinen. Folkhälsan aloitti aikoinaan uimaopetuksensa rannikko- ja saaristoalueilla, joilla lapset eivät olleet uimataitoisia. Toimintaa on sittemmin jatkettu muista kulttuureista tulleiden ihmisten kanssa.

Järjestö voi tarjota maahanmuuttajille heidän toiveitaan vastaavaa uimaopetusta. Pienet opetusryhmät viihtyvät parhaiten pienissä altaissa, joissa uimaopetus voidaan järjestää erikseen miehille ja naisille sekä tytöille ja pojille. Suuret kunnalliset uimahallit tähän harvoin pystyvät.

Translation: Observing cultural differences can mean that, (edit: here we go) we need to be flexible and respectful also of religious or moral outlooks. The goal- learning how to swim- is the same. Folkhälsän started a while ago swimming lessons on the shore and in the island area, where children didn’t know how to swim. The same has been continued with other children coming from different cultures.

The organization can offer the immigrant the needed swimming instructions. Small lesson groups do better is small pools, in which the instruction can be arranged speratelyu for men and women and boys and girls. Bigger halls rarely are able to do this.”

So here is where Anderson lets her cards drop. She sees absolutely no contradiction in her logic of wanting children to feel accepted by the host society, and the arranging of gender apartheid driven swimming lessons, that remove them even further from Finnish society norms. She’s prideful in seeing that Muslim religious concerns are addressed with the seperation of the sexes in the swimming pool, but it’s as foreign to Finnish culture as anything could be.

Now how stupid is that? Teaching immigrant children that gender apartheid is good thing, while it’s an anethma to the host society has got to be one of the best examples of MC/PC tomfoolery. *L* KGS

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