Islamic misogyny

Sharia in Egypt Results in 2.5 Million Women Divorced…….

When the law is totally on your side it makes it that much easier to dump her. The added insult to injury is that divorced Muslim women are usually discarded, hence the need to have a good bank account set aside by the father of the bride.

“In most cases men take the initiative to file for divorce since under Muslim sharia law they are allowed to seek unrestricted legal separation from their spouses while women must face long court procedures. In line with sharia, men do not need to go to court to file for divorce and can take up to four wives.”

Demands for the doing away with sharia, accompanied with insistence on a civil society that will secure the rights of women and minorities, are the only hope for a modern Middle East. The tragedy of Muslim women being treated as chattel throughout the Arab/Muslim world, is just one, in a very long line of violations of human rights and civil liberties in that part of the world. More here. *L* KGS

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