Dhimmitude Hamas Islamic Intolerance Mickey Moussa Palestinian Child Abuse

Justice, Goodness And World Love…….Hamas Style…

I lend this post to the tireless Daniel who forwarded me the following:

The force behind Hamas TV’s controversial Mickey Mouse clone [Editor-Mickey Moussa the Terrorist Martyr Mouse] said some days ago that his children’s television program will continue to promote worldwide Islamic supremacy, for everyone’s benefit, including Christians and Jews. In a long interview on Hamas TV, Hazim Al-Sha’arawi, Deputy Director of Al-Aqsa TV and one of the creators of the Hamas children’s TV show Tomorrow’s Pioneers, said that using the program to promote Islamic rule over other religions is actually promoting “justice, goodness and world love.”

Here is a report about how it is to live as a CopticChristian in Egypt where Islam rules.

Justice, goodness and world love? *L* KGS

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