Anti-Israel bigotry and bias anti-Semitism EU

European Anti-Semitism Thriving…….

Sad news concerning the European continent. According to an Anti-Defamation League report, European anti-Semitism is thriving. Ancient anti-semitic myths about Jews remain deeply embedded within the heart of Europe, resulting from a combination of traditional European and Middle Eastern anti-Semitism.

There has been a significant shift in the opinions of respondents regarding the cause of violence directed against European Jews. In all previous surveys, respondents were more likely to say that the violence directed against Jews was a result of anti-Israel sentiment. Today, in four of the five countries surveyed, a plurality of respondents believe that the violence directed against Jews in Europe stems from anti-Jewish feelings instead. See the entire survey by clicking here. Although the survey says that a plurality of those interviewed make a distinction between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, I would suggest that particular part of the survey is “clouded” by political correctness. It is more socially acceptable to be anti-Zionist, especially in liberal circles, but do not be fooled—hating Israel is just a way to hate Jews “out in the open”

Read the rest of the “sad but telling” report here. *L* KGS

Tundraman adds:

Interesting. Anti-Jewish attitudes have grown since 2005, while anti-Israeli attitudes have not. This only proves Halkin right:

“Jerome Chanes was begging the question when he said the 1990 data showed that the linkage in America between “anti-Israel attitudes” and “anti-Semitic beliefs” was “not especially strong.” The pollsters might as well have asked a neurotic about the linkage between his obsessive symptoms and their repressed cause. If the neurotic could acknowledge the linkage, the cause would not be repressed.”(Hillel Halkin: The Return of Anti-Semitism, Commentary, February 5, 2002)

In addition, an error margin of +/- 4% is quite a lot. The enterprise doing the pollster is specialized in marketing research, and it is not at all certain that they know how to survey politically sensitive attitudes. This is how they define their expertise in this area (on their website):

“Quantitative Research Quantifying how a product or service is perceived or used. We develop an understanding of, for example, a business opportunity, by assessing the market potential, unmet customer needs, or by testing out a brand new product or advertising concept, or quantifying and evaluating ongoing brand performance. We use the most sophisticated modelling and cluster analysis techniques available. Some of the survey methods we use to achieve this include: Face-to-face (adhoc, omnibus) Telephone (adhoc, omnibus) Postal/mail research Online surveys (adhoc, omnibus, including world-leading online access panels”

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