
Peace Now Admits Major Error…….

The far left-wing group of Israelis that run Peace Now, have been proven wrong in their original assessment about the Israeli city of Ma’aleh Adumim.

According to the JPost:

“In November, Peace Now claimed that 86 percent of Ma’aleh Adumim was built on private Palestinian land. After successfully petitioning the court to see the database, the group reported Wednesday that data show that only 0.5% of the settlement was built on private land.”

The radical Left wingers of Peace Now grudgingly admit that the new evidence proves their “expert analysis” WRONG, but in the following way:

“if the original information it published was inaccurate, then the IDF was to blame for refusing to release the database until the court ordered it to do so after the November report.”

Well the flip side to that is, an NGO shouldn’t go about making “wild unsubstantiated claims” without being 100% sure that its facts and figures are correct. The fact is, Peace Now is extremely UNHAPPY that Ma’aleh Adumim is not sitting on 86% of land in the disputed territories.

I can imagine that there was some serious depression being passed around at the headquarters of Peace Now over the release of the findings. What does that tell you? *L* KGS

Hat tip: Daniel, who adds: A “small” mistake.

Tundraman demures: It does not stop surprising me how desperately eager both the surrounding world (like YLE in Finland) and even some Israelis themselves (like Peace now) engage in a constant demonization of Israel – what is the matter with people????

Note: Tundra Tabloid reader, TINSC said:

“Thank you so much for making that blog entry about “Peace Now”. I find this story so outrageous. Looking around today, there are NO MSM news outlets covering it. Yet they all slobbered over the story last fall when Peace Now announced that the Israelis had “stolen Arab land”.

I wish the Israeli government and the municipality involved would sue”Peace Now” for libel. Maybe that would put ’em in their place. “PeaceNow” might be getting jihad money so a law suit could be somewhat lucrative.

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