
International Quiz…….

What does Al-Qaida’s American propagandist, Adam Gadahn and Finland’s YLE documentary director and journalist, Pertti Pesonen have in common? They both have the same affection/respect for British journalist Islamist propagandist, Robert Fisk.

In a recent video , Al-Qaida spokesman (for the English speaking world) American jihadi, Adam Gadahn, spoke warmly about a few internationally known individuals that the islamist jihadis approve of, like George Galloway, Robert Fisk and Seymour Hersh. In Gadahn’s own words:

“Why not surrender to the truth? Escape from the unbelieving army and join the winning side. As for those who have expressed their respect and admiration for Islam, and acknowledged that it is the truth and demonstrated the support and sympathy for the Muslims and their causes like George Galloway, Robert Fisk, and countless others, I say to them, isn’t it time you stopped sitting on the fence and came over to the side of truth? …Abandon unbelief and accept the truth.”

Gadahn also conveys his contempt for those whom he derides as Zionist crusader missionaries of hate and counter-Islam consultants like Daniel Pipes, Robert Spencer, Michael Scheuer, Steven Emerson, and yes, even the crusader-in-chief George W. Bush were to abandon their unbelief and repent and enter into the light of Islam and turn their swords against the enemies of God, it would be accepted of them and they would be our brothers in Islam.”

Pertti Pesonon Rauli Virtanen were responsible for the recent documentary in which Robert Fisk was given ample time to spew his anti-Israel vectum, in place of responisble journalism. I wonder what Pesonen and his “sidekick”, Rauli Virtanen would say about Dr.Daniel Pipes’ Middle East Forum, as well as his personal website?

One thing is for sure, D.Pipes’ websites would not be reccomended by any Al-Qaida spokesman, that’s one thing Pertti Pesonen’s main Middle East “expert” cannot claim. KGS

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