AfD Angela Merkel

Gates of Vienna: When was the last free election in Germany……?


Mainstreaming of extremist politics by the ruling political elite has led to the crushing of free speech and making truth no longer recognizable…

When was the last free election in Germany?

by Paranoid Android
February 7, 2020

With an embarrassed smile we can say that it was a long time ago.

German Communists who welcome the Nazi-Liberal coalition in Hungary as an anti-dictatorial opposition coalition are in effect dismantling a provincial government because someone has received the wrong majority of the vote. By the way, this state was formerly governed by a triple coalition of communists (German Socialist Unity Party, alias Die Linke), stupid liberals (formerly SPD) and angry Greens. This did not offend anyone’s taste, because the Communists committed massacres not out of malice, but of humanism, and the intention was important, not the deed.


To avoid any doubt, we do not like the Alternative for Germany [AfD, Alternative für Deutschland] either, because they are also filled with stupid Germans, but at least they show some basic instincts for life. That is why a bare quarter of voters are already voting for them, because beating people to death in the streets and using German national income to Islamize Europe is not logical. The party press in Germany is trying very hard to explain to them the usefulness of these two things. However, something may have gone awry, because there are some who do not want more Muslims and do not want to learn Arabic.


Good governance is the best tool against the rise of extremist Nazi, fascist, communist, liberal parties.


In Hungary, the establishment of Jobbik was also due to the “unprecedented successful governance” (sarcasm) of Ferenc Gyurcsány [socialist prime minister from 2004 to 2009]. Germany’s extremism is also due to a politician, Merkel, who, for whatever reason she knows, worships ideological decisions that lower Germans’ standard of living and portend, in the medium term, the total collapse of the German nation and Germany.


But the destruction of the German energy system and a few million Muslims were not enough: Merkel also has ideas for killing democracy. A now completely insignificant and sick chancellor, as usual, using the custom of stupid people trying to create a picture of an enemy (the AfD) to gain some attention for her farewell tour. We must note that the views of AfD, with the exception of the mentally ill in all parties, would not only have fit in well with the CDU 25 years ago, but might even have been considered a leftist point of view.


The AfD is a representation of a realization without ideology that current German policies necessarily create a dysfunctional society. It is so obvious that some German law professors have been pondering for a few years how the proliferation of people who do not accept German culture and rules could lead to the end of current German statehood as a result of the disappearance of constitutional values. This was found to be legal nonsense and unconstitutional and illegal. The beauty of liberal thinking is that they are not whining about the real consequences, but only the legal implications.


So Merkel sent a message about how the vote should have turned out.


More here.

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