Islamic terrorism Islamonazis MUSLIM SETTLERS

Syria: Islamonazi jihadi-brides number in the thousands, vow revenge…….


Every single one of these blood-thirsty totalitarians has to be denied re-entry into the West…


‘There will be blood up to your knees’: Diehard jihadi bride refugees vow revenge as last outpost of their Syrian ‘caliphate’ faces defeat by Kurdish forces amid fears there are THOUSANDS of brainwashed ISIS followers in the camps


US-backed forces have forced the militants into a tiny scrap of land (pictured) as they seek to demolish the last of the ISIS ‘caliphate’.


As the tens of thousands of dust covered men and women leave ISIS’ final bastion, many seem unrepentant. They still praise the Islamic State and promise bloody vengeance against its enemies.


The coalition forces thought only a few hardline families remained holed up in Baghouz, and have been hoping that each day would be the last for ISIS. But it appears they may have severely underestimated the number of civilians left inside the enclave, after 12,000 people from Baghouz arrived in one camp for non-combatants in northern Syria in the past 48 hours.


The Head of US Central Command, warned many of those evacuating are ‘unrepentant, unbroken and radicalised’.

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