Converts to Islam Finland Islamic terrorism MUSLIM SETTLERS

Finnish ISIS jihadi widow in holding camp wants to return to Finland with her three children, her 13 y/o already married…….


“She liked the Caliphate at first, before the bombing started”…


Wrap your mind around that one. At the height of the ‘glorious’ caliphate, head chopping and Gay-dropping was at its zenith, this crazy woman by default didn’t have a problem with that. Now she wants to come back to Finland. I say no way, no how. Finnish interior minister, Kai Mykkänen, however, doesn’t believe she can be kept out. No, we supposedly have to let Islamonazis such as herself in regardless of what she believes or has done.


In an Isis camp, Sanna spoke with a Finnish accent, who wants to go back to Finland

A Finnish woman spoke to news channels in Isis refugee camp in Syria. The interview was also given by her 13-year-old daughter.


The Jihadisti organization is the last of the countries to flee from the people who want to return to Finland.


Cnn’s News video, shows a Finnish woman who is given the name “Sanna” in the news. Under the title you will read “The Finnish Isis Wife”.


She is interviewed in the desert in eastern Syria at the camp of fleeing Isis families. The Western coalition has been transporting civilians by bus, from the last, doomed areas.


The woman speaks English with a well-identified Finnish accent.


“Yes, I want to go back to Finland now. Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely, “the woman says.


The Finnish woman says to the CNI that her husband was a Moroccan plumber, and that life in the “Caliphate” was good before the war reached them.


Australian broadcaster ABC’s article The same woman appears as Sanna. She says she is from Helsinki and expects to be imprisoned in Finland upon return.


She has four children. “We wanted to get out already more than a month ago, but there was no way out,” she says to ABB.


“Our whole family traveled. At first it was an ordinary life like in Finland, but then it changed. ”




According to Civiroglun, the Finnish woman arrived in Syria through Turkey four years ago. She had also been told by Civirolu that she had lived in the infamous previous “capital” Raqqa.



“She was married twice. Her daughter is now 13 years old and also married, “Civirolu writes in her tweet.


“Mom says that now they want to go to Finland because life is there easier and because they want to live there Muslimeina.”


The British news channel Sky News interviewed Sanan’s 13-year-old daughter, who is named Sumaya. He speaks good English with a Finnish accent.



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