Asylum Finland Jussi Halla-aho MUSLIM SETTLERS

Finland: Jussi Halla-aho feels EU’s decision watered down by a compromise – “Europe does not protect us”…….


Only Finns can protect their own self interests…


Jussi Halla-aho feels that the EU’s decision is watered down by a compromise – “Europe does not protect us”

The Finns party do not believe that EU decisions would affect the aspiration of asylum seekers wanting to come to Finland.
Jussi Halla-ahon mielestä oleellista olisi estää turvapaikanhakijoiden liikkuminen EU:n sisällä.

Jussi Halla – aho, leader of  the Finns, considers the EU leaders’ decision as a watered – down compromise.


– But  they could not leave the meeting empty-handed.


Halla – aho says that the concrete actions were largely left to the mutual agreement of member states.


– That is, for example, what to do if a registered asylum seeker appears in another country . This is one of the main problems.


Halla – aho says that a long – term action by the Finns is that an asylum – seeker who is registered in another EU country should be turned right from the border.


– When this is not done, it encourages secondary migration and asylum shopping.


The Finns have advocated the placement of closed centers in the asylum process.


– The other parties have strongly objected to such a view. I hope that the matter is now proceeding, but it is not binding decisions either.


“Europe is still too attractive”

Jussi Halla – aho sees that the coming from the Mediterranean will continue as long as it is worth it.


– That is, as long as the EU can not remove those receiving a negative decision on asylum and prevent their migration within the EU.


– The simplest would of course be if the detention took place outside of Finland’s borders. This would have a significant impact on the deterioration of our country’s attraction factors, says Halla – aho.


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