Anti-Israel bigotry and bias Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield: Is the Russia conspiracy theory to morph into an Israeli conspiracy……?




Iv’e never known someone who has an ‘Israel’ problem, not to have a ‘Jew problem’ as well. Simply put, I’ve never known an antisemite to have only one bigotry without the other.



Daniel Greenfield

The Russia conspiracy theory was always an awkward fit.


Hillary Clinton had come bearing a Reset Button to Russia. Obama had run on a Russian reset and there he was on a hot mic telling Russia’s Medvedev that he’d have more flexibility to sell out our interests after the election. And the whole Russian hysteria has a strange McCarthy air from the faction that turned McCarthyism into a swear word.


The left is having a good time shouting about Russian traitors with no hint of irony. But it can still only last so long.


What about a conspiracy involving a country that the left really loves to hate, that is often the subject of conspiracy theoies and that can really get its anti-Semitic juices flowing?


Here’s Jordan Shachtel discussing Robert Mueller’s turn of interest toward Israel. And an ugly history of targeting Jews.


Mueller’s suspicions of Israel — and Jews as a whole — go back to his early days as the FBI director.
In 2004, the Mueller FBI alleged that a massive Israeli spy ring was operating out of the Pentagon. The stunning revelations sent shockwaves throughout the intelligence community, and it was followed by endless editorials painting Israel as a nefarious actor seeking to undermine the United States.
Yet it later turned out that the allegations were completely bogus. There was no Israeli spy ring, but rather, what appeared to be a deliberate attempt to target Jews for prosecution. There were several disturbing instances of the Mueller FBI running sting operations attempting to “tempt Jews” to betray their country. “All turned down the offer,” according to the Washington Post. Mueller’s attempts to lure Jews into a trap failed. The botched operation confirmed the troubling reality that elements of the U.S. intelligence community remained attached to anti-Semitism.


More here.

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