Anti-Semitism in the Netherlands Post-modern thinking

Dutch author’s play totally distorts diary of Anne Frank, concocts rape scene by fellow Jew in hiding…….


There is something demonstrably wrong with a writer  who skews the writings of a young girl who was hiding from the death machine of the German National Socialists, to suite her own post-modern fantasies. This sickens the stomach. 


Dutch Writer Produces Major Distortion of Anne Frank Story

A Dutch author, Ilija Pfeijffer, has written a totally distorted theater play of the diary of Anne Frank. In this work, Anne Frank has lost her Jewish character.  The author has invented a sexual assault on Anne Frank’s sister, Margot, by Fritz Pfeffer, one of the other real life Jews in hiding in the same place. The Nazis are not mentioned as such but referred to as “the enemies.”


FM: BNFTN via Newsweek:

“Right now Jews in the Netherlands are under a lot of pressure, and there is developing anti-Semitism. So everyone wants to do something with [Anne Frank’s] universal message of tolerance, but they also want to de-Jew her.”


Notice how the writer at Newsweek fails to mention where exactly the threat of Jew hatred (antisemitism) is coming from. We all know that racist national socialists still exist at some small marginalized level, but the Left, empowered by their pet project, Muslim immigrants, are espousing some of the worst Jew hatred seen since the end of the Third Reich. Islamic Jew hatred finds a soft place within the socialist Left, where it once was the almost exclusive trait of the socialist Right.

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