Islam 101 Islam Debate Islam in action Israel

Islamic scholars in Istanbul conclude recognizing (Jewish) Israel a betrayal of Allah and Mohamed and believers…….

This is why there will always be an enmity between Muslims and the Jewish state of Israel, just like the one that was once between Christian led Lebanon (now shiite run) and the one that still is between Spain and the Ummah.


Any land once deemed Islamic land, is always to be considered as Islamic land, even if the owners of the land are not Muslims. There are many people ignorant of that doctrine, who see no problem in handing over empty churches and graveyard property to Islamic communities. Each step of ground surrendered to them is seen by them as one more foothold achieved against the host society. History proves me correct.

“Giving up Palestine and recognizing the right of the Zionist entity to establish its state on the land of Islam and the Muslims is a betrayal of Allah, His Messenger (Muhammad) and the rest of the believers,” the concluding statement said.

Islam heads against normalization with Israel

Islamic Scholars Conference: Giving up on Palestine, recognizing right of Zionist entity to state on Islamic land is betrayal of Allah.


Koran Islam


The Conference of Scholars Against Normalization announced the formation of a committee that will discuss proposals by Muslim clerics relating to the formulation of a credo, to be published in coming days, for guiding the struggle against normalization with the “Zionist entity.”


At the close of the religious scholars meeting in Istanbul, participants announced that any form of normalization with the “entity” is prohibited by religious law and comprises a “crime,” be it economic normalization or in the fields of communications, sport, or society.


The clerics stressed that all of “Palestine” and all the “occupied” land by the “robber entity” is Islamic land that must not be relinquished for any reason or by any pretext.


“Giving up Palestine and recognizing the right of the Zionist entity to establish its state on the land of Islam and the Muslims is a betrayal of Allah, His Messenger (Muhammad) and the rest of the believers,” the concluding statement said.


More here.

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