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Finland: Turku Jihadi made manifesto video before his attack…….

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Police: Turku attack suspect also made video


Kahdesta terroristisessa tarkoituksessa tehdystä murhasta ja kahdeksasta yrityksestä syytetyn Abderrahman Bouananen vangitsemisoikeudenkäynti Varsinais-Suomen käräjäoikeudessa tiistaina 22. elokuuta. Sairaalassa ollutta Bouananea kuultiin videon välityksellä.

Abderrahman Bouanane, the man who police arrested and charged with killing two and injuring eight people with terrorist intent in Turku two weeks ago also made a video in addition to a manifesto, according to Helsingin Sanomat.


Police have not released many details about either of the pieces of new evidence, but say that they are looking into whether the video was shared on social media. Police told the paper that they believe Bouanane  likely filmed the video himself, but did not say when or where the footage was filmed.


Helsingin Sanomat writes that the discovery of the video was significant because similar videos have been made by terrorists who carried out attacks in other parts of Europe. Such videos often contain information about the motives behind attacks.



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