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Finnish justice minister wonders why cases of female genital (in Finland as well) mutilation have not been brought to justice…….

Because of fear of being called a racist/Islamofauxbe and become intimidated by the Muslim community.

Minister Häkkänen, Minister of Justice, on the genital mutilation of girls living in Finland: It is unnusal that these aggravated crimes have not been brought to justice

Monday, September 25, 2017 at 20.36


Oikeusministeri Antti Häkkänen (kok) on huolissaan siitä, että Suomeen saattaa syntyä laittomuuksia kulttuurisilla syillä perusteleva rinnakkaisyhteiskunta.


According to the Minister of the Interior, Annika Saarikko, it is certain that girls are also being circumcised in Finland.


  • Ministers Annika Saarikko and Antti Häkkänen assert that measures are being taken in Finland to prevent the circumcision of girls.
  • No case has come to justice or has resulted in a judgment even though the measure is prohibited in Finnish law.
  • According to a recent report, girls are sent from Finland for circumcision.

The Minister of the Interior, Annika Saarikko(midfielder), says that it is uncertain to know whether girls’ sexual organs are also cut in Finland.


– I have no way of confirming it or denying it. The fact that no case has gone to justice does not prove that this has not happened in Finland, Saarikko comments on Iltalehti on Monday.


The debate on genital mutilation of female immigrant girls, or circumcision, became broadly on the headlines at the end of last week when the NGO Fenix ​​Helsinki published its report on the circumcision of girls born in Finland.


According to the report, immigrant girls from Finland will be sent abroad for genital mutilation. The four girls interviewed in the report were sent from Finland to circumcision in Somalia, Egypt, Iran and Syria. According to the report, it was difficult for girls to get an interview even anonymously.


Circumcising girls is punishable under Finnish law as well as sending girls abroad for it. The report reminded us that no case has come to justice.


Minister Saarikko says she wondered the same herself.


“I have wrought this topic around, that we have not, or at least not my knowledge, have come to any case at the same time as our health care professionals know that this (mutilation) is happening, as its report last Friday clearly confirmed, Saarikko says.


The teacher of an Espoo school told Helsingin Sanomat last summer that in the past years girls were being sent abroad for their circumcision.


What do you think that, for example, teachers have spoken in public, but not even a criminal report has been done?


– Similar experiences are reinforced by school health care, not necessarily where this operation is done, but tell them to meet those who have been subjected to this terrible measure.


Do they not have a duty to report?


– This is exactly the point at this point.


THL program continues?


Saarikko started as a Basic Services Minister in July.


– I raised the issue at the end of summer. The current Criminal Code, of course, deny this kind of action, but I’m wondering whether the said case law at the level is sufficiently clear. Criminalization of female genital mutilation is a matter for the Justice Minister. I have met on this issue the Minister of Justice (Antti Häkkänen) at the beginning of August. We had a good conversation about whether something should be done about the criminal title, Saarikko says.


The debate over recent days is the result of many images that the Finnish authorities and politicians did not tackle with great scolding problems.


According to Saariko, this is not the case.


She says that THL has had a four-year action program (2013-2016) to prevent circumcision of girls and women.


– I have already said before that I very much welcome the continuation of this program. Now, I’m hearing what the THL is about. I am pleased that the matter has already been identified for four years and this is the response to the health care system, even if they are not legal cases.


– Healthcare professionals recognize this issue. I therefore consider the continuation of the THL program to be good for this very reason because prevention is a key factor here. And, of course, this involves recognizing these terrible acts and helping women, whether it was (mutilated) done in Finland or abroad.


More in Finnsh at IltaLehti

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