Fighting Back Islam in Denmark Niqabs and Burqas

Tunisian with dual Danish citizenship deported for refusing to remove her niqab (anti-male garment, symbol of sharia supremacy)…….

So long!

Danish woman deported to Tunisia from Brussels Airport for refusing to remove her niqab

‘Without identity checks, no access to our territory’


A Danish woman has been deported to Tunisia after she refused to take off her niqab at Brussels Airport, a Belgian official has said.


Theo Francken, the Secretary of State for asylum and migration, tweeted to say the woman was sent back to Tunisia because police could not identify her.


The niqab covers all of the face, except for the eyes. Belgium banned the niqab and burqa in 2011.


More here.

One Response

  1. What an arrogant POS she must be. Can’t accept a harmless direction from authorities in (to her) a foreign country ) who are merely doing their job of verifying the identity of travelers. Glad that one less was able to visit the EU. Hopefully she went back to her islamic paradise and told them all how bad the EU was – and put more of them off coming.

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