Islam in the UK Western stooges

UK: Concern for Christian girl handed over to Muslim foster parents who remove her cross, speak Arabic at home…….

There’s a whole host of things wrong here….

In confidential local authority reports seen by The Times, a social services supervisor describes the child sobbing and begging not to be returned to the foster carer’s home because “they don’t speak English”. The reports state that the supervisor heard the girl, who at times was “very distressed”, claiming that the foster carer removed her…

Christian child forced into Muslim foster care

Concern for girl who ‘had cross removed and was encouraged to learn Arabic’

A white Christian child was taken from her family and forced to live with a niqab-wearing foster carer in a home where she was allegedly encouraged to learn Arabic.


The five-year-old girl, a native English speaker, has spent the past six months in the care of two Muslim households in London. The foster placements were made, against the wishes of the girl’s family, by the scandal-ridden borough of Tower Hamlets.

The Times

One Response

  1. It is true that I am too removed from the foster parents and the child to know how this may turn out. However, given the koran, sunnah, hadiths, and the track record, I am not optimistic for her future. If that child is ever harmed by this “experiment”, those in the chain of decision command shoul bare 100% culpability of the actual physical harmer(s). If the harmer goes to prison, or worse, so should they! We are all weary and wary of “The Pattern”. And The State too. BTW, yes, my choice of language is waaaay too polite.

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