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Israel: Knife wielding Islamonazi shot dead by border guards wanted 72 virgins and a get-out-of-hell card for 70 of his relatives…….

Aussie Dave: 

But more to the point: his own social media posts before the attack show not only that he intended to commit a terror attack, but what motivated him to do so.

Dear family members… I have good news for you.
My precious father, forgive me.
Here I have achieved my wish and I am about to die a martyr for the sake of God, armed with the determination of mujahidin (fighters). I have left this mortal world, rushing to the immortal life in paradise where I will meet God’s chosen prophet, peace be upon him, alongside prophets, companions, and virtuous people. You should know, my family, that I haven’t left you because I am fed up with you, or because you were bad to me, but only because martyrdom has called upon me after I have been wishing to obtain it for a while.
My precious mother, forgive me.
God’s consent is dependent on your consent, and my wish won’t be realized without this condition. My wish won’t be complete unless you remain patient and sacrifice me for God’s reward by considering me a martyr who died fighting for the sake of God, to make sure that God’s word is the highest word, and to take revenge for the martyrs of Palestine. Don’t cry over losing me, but rather utter trilling cries of joy because this is your martyr son’s wedding.
My beloved brothers, forgive me.
Be helpful to your mother and father and be patient and sacrifice me for God’s reward. Be firm and support each other, and forgive me if I had ever erred against any of you. Continue to cling to God’s religion and hold firmly to the rope of God.
My beloved sisters, forgive me.
Don’t forget what I asked you a few days before I left for the sake of God. Stay by my mother’s side and be sisters to Aisha and al-Khansaa.
Forgive me everybody. If I failed to be helpful enough in life in this world, I won’t fail to be unhelpful to you on the day of judgment, God willing. The prophet promised that a martyr will intercede for the benefit of 70 of his family members.


Read it all here @ Israellycool

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