Islam 101 Islam in Swtizerland

Switzerland: Imam charged for death calls of fellow Muslims who refuse to jihad for allah…….


TROP: Quran (4:95) –

“Not equal are those of the believers who sit (at home), except those who are disabled (by injury or are blind or lame, etc.), and those who strive hard and fight in the Cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Allah has preferred in grades those who strive hard and fight with their wealth and their lives above those who sit (at home).Unto each, Allah has promised good (Paradise), but Allah has preferred those who strive hard and fight, above those who sit (at home) by a huge reward ” This passage criticizes “peaceful” Muslims who do not join in the violence, letting them know that they are less worthy in Allah’s eyes. It also demolishes the modern myth that “Jihad” doesn’t mean holy war in the Quran, but rather a spiritual struggle. Not only is this Arabic word (mujahiduna) used in this passage, but it is clearly not referring to anything spiritual, since the physically disabled are given exemption. (The Hadith reveals the context of the passage to be in response to a blind man’s protest that he is unable to engage in Jihad, which would not make sense if it meant an internal struggle).

In other words, those who stay at home are lousy Muslims…

Imam charged over sermon calling for non-practicing Muslims to be ‘killed in their homes’

AN ISLAMIC leader has been charged with inciting murder after allegedly calling for non-practising Muslims to be burned and killed in their homes.


The imam, originally from Ethiopia, was first arrested by Swiss police in November, following a raid on a mosque in Winterthur, Zurich.


He is accused of calling for the murder of non-praying Muslims during a sermon on October 21, 2016.


The city’s public prosecutor announced on Friday that the imam, who has not been named, was charged on August 2 with making public calls for crimes or acts of violence.


He is also accused of sharing graphic depictions of killings on social media, and of breaching Switzerland’s Aliens Act, for working as a foreign national without a permit.In a statement, the public prosecutor said it would be pressing for a suspended prison sentence and a 15-year ban on entering the country.

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