Dhimmitude Islam in Belgium

Belgium Islamization for Mother’s Day…….

Different cultures meaning, Islam……

It’s a competition between lunatic Leftist snowflakes and islamonazis to see who can take down Western society first.

Belgian school ditches Mother’s Day “out of respect for other cultures”

Next Sunday is Mothers’ Day, which means in schools pupils are hard at work making their mother a gift. Except in the Wallonian school ‘Singelijn’ in Brussels’ suburb Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe. The managing board of the school sent out an email to the pupil’s parents yesterday that they will not be making presents for Mother’s Day:

out of respect for all the other cultures that enrich our school. A diversity that makes us extremely proud.

Fathers shouldn’t expect a gift either. According to the headmistress, Dominique Paquot.

“because different cultures are represented in our school. And not all of those celebrate these days.(…) We’ve toyed with the idea for some time. Also because more and more children’s parents are divorced. Some have two mothers or two fathers, others don’t have a father or a mother. This causes a lot of stress with a lot of children.


More here.

2 Responses

  1. When do Muslims ditch their cultural practices out of respect for us?

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