Anti-Israel bigotry and bias Ilya Meyer Sweden

Ilya Meyer: Sweden works behind the scenes to cut off Israel at the knees……


Sweden promotes itself as a (chuckle) “humanitarian superpower”, but it’s neither a superpower nor humanitarian in spite of all the chest beating. Their political leadership is pathetic


The automatic majority of UN member states, whose Security Council Margot Wallström now heads, are anti-democratic, theocratic, Islamist and otherwise autocratic regimes. In “shouldering the responsibility” these states have given her, it would be wise to prepare for what she has in store.



Sweden works behind the scenes to cut off Israel at the knees

Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallström has now taken her seat on the UN Security Council.

This is the seat she purchased using the tax revenues of hard-working Swedish breadwinners.

In her opening speech outlining what she envisions as Sweden’s focal areas during its tenure at the UNSC, there was one short sentence – a phrase only, really – that has received little attention and that has been largely ignored by the world media.

And by Israel.

Which is dangerous omission.

Because it is Wallström’s key ambition during her period at the helm: she says that in the UN Security Council “The use of the veto must be limited.”

Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallström:

“The use of the veto must be limited.”

If you work in the Israeli government, or are an employee of the Israeli Foreign Ministry such as the Israeli ambassador to Sweden or the UN, read that sentence again.

The Swedish Foreign Minister aims to remove the last remaining vestige of support blocking universal condemnation of the Jewish state for (1) being a state for the Jews, and (2) protecting itself.

And she intends to do so by removing the veto right (that is to say, traditional US vetoing of endemically vicious anti-Israel resolutions).


More here.

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