Iran Obama anti-Israel WMD's

FPM on Obama’s latest anti-Israel move with the Iranians, shipping enough uranium to produce 10 nukes……


This is bad…..very bad

If the US is ever going to get serious with the Iranians, there’s going to have to be a lot of reversals ahead to put the real squeeze on them.


Can the Iran deal get any worse?

Ari Lieberman

“The worst agreement in U.S. diplomatic history,” that was the way Charles Krauthammer characterized the Iran deal back in July 2015. Of course, when Krauthammer made that very accurate assessment, he had no way of knowing that the deal was even worse than originally envisioned.

The Iran deal’s ancillary aspects, which the administration tried to keep secret from Congress, included ransom payments totaling $1.7 billion to Iran and secret side agreements negotiated between the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Islamic Republic. One of the most absurd provisions of that secretive side agreement enables the mullahs to collect their own soil samples at their highly opaque Parchin facility, in lieu of on-site inspections. The Obama administration even conducted lobbying efforts on behalf of the Islamic Republic, in a failed attempt to convince banking institutions to conduct business with the world’s premier state-sponsor of international terrorism.

The notion that the Obama administration would trust the Iranians to collect their own samples to establish compliance demonstrates with utmost clarity just how far divorced from reality Obama has become. The notion that Obama would place national security interests in the hands of a non-U.S. body demonstrates just how utterly reckless he is. The notion that the U.S. would actively lobby on behalf on an entity responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths in Syria, Yemen and Iraq and responsible for supplying anti-U.S. insurgents with sophisticated Explosively Formed Penetrators (EFP) that killed and maimed hundreds of U.S. soldiers, demonstrates how morally depraved the Obama administration has become.


More here.

One Response

  1. “The notion that the Obama administration would trust the Iranians to collect their own samples to establish compliance demonstrates with utmost clarity just how far divorced from reality Obama has become.”

    No – Obama isn’t divorced from reality; he has been working hard for 8 years to create a different reality – a reality in which America’s power, influence, and domestic safety are permanently reduced, and that of the Muslim world is increased.

    Once you stop seeing the picture as being of a candle-stick, and realise that it is two faces instead, then you can see that America has had a President, and – to a large extent – an administration that is not on America’s side.

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