Islam in prison YLE

Finland: Dozens of hardcore Muslim prisoners preaching jihad in Finnish prisons…….


Here in Finland as in other areas of Europe where Muslims have been let in by the hordes……

Dozens of extremist minded Islamists in Finnish prisons : A portion celebrated terrorist attacks in Europe

Vantaa Prison Deputy Director Jaakko Jokinen.

A new phenomenon has been observed, in Vantaa’s prison radicalization prevention project. The authorities say there are prisoners propagating a radical interpretation of Islam.

01.25.2017 at 15:51
Prison authorities have identified dozens of radically-minded inmates who spread radical interpretation of Islam who are completing their sentences in Finnish prisons.

The authorities consider the phenomenon to be very worrying, because in almost every terrorist attack in Europe, the researchers had found some kind of links to European prisons.

Finland has already woken up to the radicalization of prisoners, but the phenomenon is not yet as severe as in other parts of Europe.

However, Finnish prisons have not yet discovered that the name of an extremist group that would be enticing inmates towards Islamist activities.

Vantaa Prison began in August last year, the “Southern Finland criminal penalty area project to identify violent extremism and radicalization.”

The one-year project aims to combat radicalization in prison. In addition to supporters of Islamist ideology the project aims to identify extreme right-wing and extreme left-wing prisoners.


More here @ YLE. (In Finnish)

H/T: Yksittäistapaus

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