Economics EU Finland


Wow what a gesture, crumbs from the masters in Brussels!


For a country given over to statism, increasingly in debt funding its bloated welfare state, getting a few million in seed money from the EU (after pouring billions of Euros into it) to try and jump-start employment for young Finns…is considered a great deal. Buffoons.

Try some real liberty for a change, both economic and individual.

NOTE: The need to whittle back the welfare state, scale back job defeating regulations, introduce badly needed reforms in the handing out of aid, and reintroduce entrepreneurial initiatives across the board, in the form of tax breaks etc., couldn’t be greater.

Finland to receive EU grant to fight youth unemployment

The European Commission holds that an additional one billion EU budget euros should be directed towards combating youth unemployment. If the plan is accepted, part of that funding would go towards improving the sorry employment situation of Northern and Eastern Finland’s youths and young adults.


If 1 billion euros of EU money can be directed the right way, proponents say, Finland may get its share. Image: Yle

Finland may receive money from the European Union budget to treat the problem of youth unemployment in Northern and Eastern Finland.

The European Commission has put forward the motion that the EU grant an additional 1 billion euros to help in rehabilitating and employing 15-24-year-olds across Europe. The Commission’s plan requires the say-so of the EU member states as well as the European Parliament.

Last year the unemployment rate of youths and young adults in Northern and Eastern Finland exceeded 25 percent; EU support is directed especially to regions with this same youth unemployment rate.

The sum of the grant is as yet unknown. The decision on the addition EU funding is likely to come no earlier than summer 2017.

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