
sweden ship of fools

Swedish migration minister admits refugee crisis fears

Swedish migration minister admits refugee crisis fears

Justice and Migration Minister Morgan Johansson speaks in Stockholm in August. Photo: Izabelle Nordfjell/TT

Published: 11 Sep 2016 16:33 GMT+02:00

 At the peak of the refugee crisis last year, Sweden’s Migration Minister feared that Sweden would be so overwhelmed by the number of asylum seekers coming into the country that tens of thousands of them might end up sleeping rough in freezing temperatures.

At the peak of the refugee crisis last year, Sweden’s migration minister feared that the country would be so overwhelmed by the number of asylum seekers coming into the country that tens of thousands of them might end up sleeping rough in freezing temperatures.

“I was seriously worried that we would end up in a situation of having 15,000 to 20,000 homeless people sleeping on our streets in the middle of the Swedish winter,” Morgan Johansson, Minister of Justice and Immigration, told the country’s Expressen newspaper in an interview to mark the anniversary of the crisis.

“Every morning when I woke up, I would go in to the Migration Agency’s website and look at how many place we had [to fill]. Were we going to make it through that day?”

Despite heavy criticism of the Swedish government’s slow response to the crisis, Johansson said he believed both Sweden’s authorities and civil society deserved credit for what had been achieved.

One Response

  1. “I was seriously worried that we would end up in a situation of having 15,000 to 20,000 homeless people sleeping on our streets in the middle of the Swedish winter,”

    Just so we have this clear, it wasn’t the numbers per-se that bothered him, just that they had all the amenities….

    I think I get his angle.

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