anti-Semitism Olympics


The West of course is turning a blind eye to it as well……

Petty Arab apartheid, Olympic-style

THE SAUDI ARABIAN delegation arrives at the Olympic opening ceremony in Brazil.

THE SAUDI ARABIAN delegation arrives at the Olympic opening ceremony in Brazil.. (photo credit:REUTERS)

In the bad old days of South Africa, “petty apartheid” was the term used for the daily oppression and humiliation of blacks through separate public water fountains, bathrooms, buses, cafeterias and similar facilities. This strictly enforced separation was a sign of the black population being viewed as subhuman.

Since 1948, petty apartheid has also been a feature of the widespread Arab rejection of Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people. This practice is ongoing and is often taken for granted and ignored, as was the case of South Africa for many years.

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For example, on Friday, just before the opening of the Rio Olympics, the bus provided by the International Olympic Committee picked up the 10-member Lebanese team and then went to pick up the Israeli team. The Lebanese blocked the Israelis from entering the bus, and according to media accounts team captain Salim al-Haj Nakoula “demanded that the door be closed on the Israeli team, but they ‘insisted on getting on.’” Haj Nakoula continued: “I then stood at the door of the bus to prevent the Israel team from entering and some of them tried to go in and pick a fight.”

More here.

2 Responses

  1. We call this an incident,

    you , the writer of this paper, are the one who are creating hatred. This happened because of the colonization of Israel in the Palestine land, and the Lebanons are directly touched by that. The same thing will happen for Chines because of the Tibet and you would never write a word.
    I am Muslim and the real Muslim have no hate towards his brother Jewish. I cannot believe that you are trying to be interesting with such stupid news. This is miserable.

    1. Hey ”You”, we call this islamic business as usual. The Islamic hatred of the Jew started long before the modern state of Israel became a reality. This is how mohamed and his merry band of thuggish murderers treated Jews after islam became a political theory of military conquest (post-hijra Islam). Your koran is chock-full of classic Jew hatred, deal with that first than trying to spin imaginary muslim solidarity with Jews. Your dhimmi caste system reinforced by sharia law grabs the prayer rug beneath your feet.

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