Islam 101 Islam in action Islam in Italy


The Italian Interior Ministry had a imam, described as “increasingly anti-Western” and “radical” back to Morocco in less than a day.

Radicalized imam expelled

A Moroccan imam of 51 years, Mohammed Madad, living up to 6 months ago in Reggiano and recently in the Vicenza, was expelled on decision of the Minister of the Interior for reasons of public order and state security. It was followed by time by the Digos of Reggio Emilia Police for his radical attitude, and lately his sermons in Noventa Vicentina had taken on an increasingly anti-Western profile. The suspicion is that it could also facilitate international terrorism.

The investigation that led to the expulsion of Imam Noventa Vicentina also collaborated Vicenza police. Madad was taken yesterday from the house, and was boarded at 22.40 on a flight departing from Fiumicino and direct in Morocco. Precisely because of his suspected dangerousness the prohibition to return to Italy has been inflicted for the next 15 years. The charge for the Salafi imam of the matrix is to be a supporter of radical Islam. The man was a few months at the helm of the Center of Prayer and Islamic culture in Noventa Vicentina, where he had arrived late last year from Carpineti, Apennines Reggiano. In Reggio Emilia, followed a religious community in the village of Gatta. Once transferred in the Vicenza, police investigations – which had been reported by colleagues reggiani – they have noted the gradual radicalization of the Imam, whose sermons have become increasingly anti-Western and violent, aimed also to the indoctrination of the community’s children. Madad – who before becoming exclusively iman had the worker in a food company and then had unsuccessfully attempted to open an Islamic butcher – among other things, in exchange for money, was also of the ‘magic rituals assumptions’.


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