Cologne Dhimmitude



The Dhimmi Archbishop of Cologne is at it Again

Rainer Maria Woelki is a cardinal in the Catholic Church, and has been the Archbishop of Cologne since he was appointed by (surprise!) Pope Francis. His Eminence was in the news last month after he made an infomercial plugging the wonderfulness of mass immigration, and posited an equivalence between minarets and church steeples in European culture.

Well, Cardinal Woelki is back. This time he had a migrant boat hauled to Cologne and propped up in front of the Cathedral so that he could preach a sermon while standing in it.

Many thanks to Egri Nök for translating this article from the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger:

Corpus Christi: Bishop Woelki delivers an impressive sermon from a refugee boat

Archbishop Cardinal Woelki had a refugee boat from the Mediterranean Sea rigged up in front of the Cathedral.

In his sermon, he called for intensified commitment for refugees.

Woelki has previously spoken out in favor of an unrestricted right to asylum.

Cologne — Archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki, emphatically urged for more commitment for refugees. “Whoever lets humans drown in the Mediterranean, lets God drown — every single day, a thousand times,” Woelki said on Thursday at the traditional Corpus Christi Mass on the Roncalli Square at the Cathedral of Cologne. “Whoever tortures humans to death in camps, tortures God to death — a thousand and a thousand times over.”

For the mass, the Archbishop had a seven-meter-long refugee boat from the Mediterranean Sea erected in front of the southern portal of the Cathedral, which members of the archdiocese had fetched from Malta. During the open-air mass, the boat served as the altar. Jesus Christ himself was in the midst “of this boat, that trafficked humans, young and old, women and children, across the Mediterranean Sea,” said Woelki. He called for recognizing the wounds of the crucified Jesus in the faces of the refugees of today. “No shut eyes! No deaf ears and closed mouths!”

More here.

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