Islam 101 Islam Debate Islam in action Islam is deception Lying Bastards Lying Muslims


What a bunch of bull crap…….

Christians and Jews, Hindus and Buddhists all over the world are being persecuted for their faith and ethnicity by Muslims (relying on classical Islamic texts for validation) and do not behave like Muslims. Hindus, Buddhists, Jews and Christians in the US/West are not creating terror cells to carry out attacks on Muslims anywhere that they can find them because, Muslims elsewhere, are murdering their co-religionists. Only Muslims are doing that because the koran and other Islamic texts sanction it.

NOTE: The problem is Islam itself, in particular, Post-Hijra Islam, the Medina period that abrogates the Meccan period. Full stop. Do not be taken in by these propaganda spin-meisters.

‘Swedes must realize only soft power can defeat radicalism’

'Swedes must realize only soft power can defeat radicalism'

File photo: Mstyslav Chernov/Wikimedia

Published: 20 Apr 2016 07:39 GMT+02:00

The pen is mightier than the sword, the old saying goes. The challenge presented by radical Islamic extremism to the civilized world is one that cannot be defeated solely by military means; it is the nature of such radicalism to metastasize and grow when it is physically attacked.

This is because extremism of this sort is based on the belief that Islam is besieged and persecuted by armies of infidels and it is the duty of “true” Muslims to kill in its defense. The fact that the shocking attacks in Brussels last month came just days after the arrest of one of the planners of the recent Paris attacks demonstrates this martyr effect.

Swedes shouldn’t overlook the significance that one of the suspects in the attacks became radicalized in Malmö. Why were ideas grounded in hate and violence more attractive than the tolerance and understanding typically associated with Swedish values?

One source of strength and strategic advantage among these radicals is in their belief that terrorism is sanctioned by God. This is the great “mirage” of extremism and no amount of military hardware can defeat it.

Rather, extremism must die in the battlefield of ideas.

More here.

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