Finnish Academics Finnish activists Islamic terrorism Terrorism Terrorism YLE


Where do these morons come from? we seem to have an ample supply of them.

There’s a huge difference in people being murdered in individual circumstances, and wholesale slaughter of people sitting in a restaurant dining on their favorite meals, or riding in a subway. She’s trying to minimize the Islamic threat, pure and simple.

UPDATE: Be sure to scroll down for Vlad’s comment.

Terrorism Researcher: Europe can endure terror – more are killed every year in Finland than in terrorist attacks in Europe in 10 years

Terrorism can try to be controlled, but it can not be completely prevented, says an expert at the University of Helsinki. Terrorist acts differ according to her, for example, from organized crime to acts for attention.

Terrorism researcher Leena Malkki.
Terrorism researcher Leena Malkki. Image: Yle

University of Helsinki terrorism researcher Leena Malkki calls into question the decision-makers reactions to the recent terrorist attacks.

According to Malki, the decision-maker’s sense of proportion is threatened to be blurred as a result of the attacks.

– Europe will already knocking at the limits as to how much this threat you should pay attention to and to allocate resources, Malkki said on Monday Yle Radio 1’s morning show.

Malkki calls for a broad political debate on how you want to develop the fight against terrorism.

– It is very characteristic that the pressure is directed to how to create more stringent legislation. The ratio should be critical, he says.

According to the researcher there has been an over-reaction to the damage caused by one of the most dangerous terrorist attacks.

– Actually, what’s most dangerous in terrorism is that it can begin to export resources oversized in relation to how much it will ultimately threaten the security of citizens, says Malkki.

She pointed out that annually more people in Finland die in homicides,  than in Europe have died in terrorist attacks since 2005 after the attacks in London.


H/T:  Retweeted  5h

Finding a Marxist with a cushy overpaid job teaching university is hardly a surprise. But that doesn’t mean the damage they do doesn’t have to be undone.

This is an example of the kind of intellectual slight of hand the Frankfurt School is famous for.

Technically, it’s called the logical fallacy of false equivalence. Using her reasoning would be to say that there is no need to find a cure for Ebola as more people died of the Black Plague in the middle ages. So its all fine.

The fact is, there is a difference between a crime, which is for personal gain and typically has no effect on policy or liberty within a nation, and a political act of terror which is to create a change in policy that will affect everyone.

A traffic fatality for example might result in a new stop sig, but typically it won’t even do that. But one cannot help noticing how much more sharia compliant the Western world is today at the cost of individual liberty and even appeals to reason, facts and truth are frequenltly not factors in the defense of the non-Muslim. Most notably in England at the moment, but spreading everywhere now.

None of these changes would have happened had it not been for Islamic terror. There is a direct A-B cause and effect relationship.

So this ‘expert’ on terror likely does not even understand the word but looks at it in a Micheal Moore, statistical relativism way. One that is designed to deceive, not to inform.

3 Responses

  1. I despair. Dumbing down is a bigger epidemic than the Ebola virus.
    If universities employ tossers like this insufferable ‘professor’ how does that impact on students?

  2. Finding a Marxist with a cushy overpaid job teaching university is hardly a surprise. But that doesn’t mean the damage they do doesn’t have to be undone.

    This is an example of the kind of intellectual slight of hand the Frankfurt School is famous for.

    Technically, its called the logical fallacy of false equivalence. Using her reasoning would be to say that there is no need to find a cure for Ebola as more people died of the Black Plague in the middle ages. So its all fine.

    The fact is, there is a difference between a crime, which is for personal gain and typically has no effect on policy or liberty within a nation, and a political act of terror which is to create a change in policy that will affect everyone.

    A traffic fatality for example might result in a new stop sig, but typically it won’t even do that. But one cannot help noticing how much more sharia compliant the Western world is today at the cost of individual liberty and even appeals to reason, facts and truth are frequenltly not factors in the defense of the non-Muslim. Most notably in England at the moment, but spreading everywhere now.

    None of these changes would have happened had it not been for Islamic terror. There is a direct A-B cause and effect relationship.

    So this ‘expert’ on terror likely does not even understand the word but looks at it in a Micheal Moore, statistical relativism way. One that is designed to deceive, not inform.

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