Islam in Germany Muslim persecution of Christians MUSLIM SETTLERS


We should be opening our doors to them, NOT Muslims, most of which are not refugees at all.

Christian Converts Flee German Asylum Centres After Muslim Intimidation

Christian converts are being expelled from an asylum home in Berlin according to Junge Freiheit. Six Iranian Christians who were former Muslims themselves have fled the centre fearing for their safety and their lives. The incidents all occurred at a centre for migrants seeking asylum near the Tempelhof airport in the German capital.

One of the Iranians told German media, “we would read the Bible in our Twelve-bed room. Immediately, the Muslims come into the room to insult us, because we have converted from Islam to Christianity,” and one of the other victims of the abuse said, “suddenly seventy people stood in front of us called us names and said they wanted to beat us. We were afraid for our lives!”

According to reports at the centre it took over 20 police officers and a K9 unit in order to stop the Muslim mob from committing acts of violence against the Christians.

The National director of the asylum centres admitted: “yes, there is harassment against Christians,” not just in Berlin but all across Germany and in many asylum homes.

Fearing for their continued safety the Iranians have all taken refuge in the care of the Lutheran Evangelical Church in Berlin.

The church is headed by pastor Gottfried Martens who said, “In my estimation, at least half of our church members living in the refugee camps are living in fear,” and said many Christians are, “discriminated against, harassed, threatened, beaten in exceptional cases, beaten hospitalised or attacked with weapons.”

More here.

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