Asylum Islam in Germany MUSLIM SETTLERS


This mirrors other stories around Europe, as well as from my own correspondent who works in the Finnish asylum center industry, Stefan from Helsinki. (here, here and here.)

“Well, and then the first refugees came to my office. After the first few visits I realized that my very positive and idealistic notion of them and their behavior was very different from the reality.

“First, if I’m honest, about 90 percent of those who I counselled were unpleasant. First, many of them are extremely demanding.

Inside the “Refugee Centers:” A Worker Speaks

Death threats against welfare workers, aggressive behavior, lies, forged documents, verbal abuse, misogyny, sexual attacks, and even physical assaults—these are the daily burdens which German social workers in the “refugee centers” have to face, according to a disillusioned employee who has broken her silence.


The worker—who has to remain anonymous for fear of repercussions—described her working conditions, and her disillusionment with the nonwhite invaders after having initially supported the “refugees,” to the German N24 TV news channel.

In the interview, titled “I can’t take it anymore” (Ich halte es dort nicht mehr aus, N24, 18.01.2016), the social worker, who has been working full time at a Hamburg-based “refugee reception center,” starts off by describing how enthusiastic she was to get the job to help the “refugees” because she supported the invasion:


“I have applied for this job because it was exactly what I wanted to do,” she said.

“By the time that the confirmation [that I had got the job] finally arrived in my mailbox, I was looking forward to it like crazy.

“I finally could not only help in theory, but also really do something practical to help the refugees.”

Accordingly, she continued, “I went in high spirits to my first day in the initial reception center.

“Naturally I was very excited, as one always is on the first working day of a new job…It is certainly truly super here, I thought to myself.”

Over the next few days, she said, she threw herself into the work, which consisted of providing counselling services to the 1,500 or more nonwhite invaders at the center.

“I was responsible for attending to all refugee social problems, of helping them in the asylum application procedure, and making medical appointments when they needed them,” she told N24.

“Well, and then the first refugees came to my office. After the first few visits I realized that my very positive and idealistic notion of them and their behavior was very different from the reality.

“First, if I’m honest, about 90 percent of those who I counselled were unpleasant. First, many of them are extremely demanding.

“They came to me and demanded that I immediately set them up with an apartment, a fancy car, and a really good job. When I told them this was not possible, they would become loud and very aggressive. An Afghan threatened to kill himself there and then [if I did not help him with these demands].

“And a number of Syrians and Afghanis declared that they will go on hunger strike until I’d help them to move to another place. An Arab shouted at another colleague, ‘We behead you!’”

Because of these death threats “and other things,” she continued, they had to call upon the police for protection “several times a week.”

More here. H/T: Fjordman

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