aftonbladet Anti-Israel bigotry and bias anti-Semitism Anti-Semitism in Sweden Media activism media bias Media malfeasance Media Skullduggery


Yeah, that supposed ”humanitarian superpower” called Sweden. Only between their dense thick ears.


Blood and Money

By Tzofar

In my last post, I claimed that the Social Democrat organ, Aftonbladet, would not report on the murder or attempted murder of Jews at the hands of Arab terrorists. And while a one-paragraph item appeared about the stabbing of Michal Froman on January 18th, the reportage was merely an insubstantial editorial fig leaf with a lurking propaganda motive. There was no intent to memorialize anyone Jewish. Dafna Meir היד, was killed in her home in Otniel on January 17th, and her death was reported as a one-line statement which appeared at the end of that short item. Most telling is the omission of information, and how, for Aftonbladet, these women are faceless and nameless.

Here’s the entire article as regurgitated via Google Translate:

A Palestinian who stabbed a 30 year old woman in the settlement of Tekoa in the West Bank has been shot dead by Israeli security forces, according to the medical personnel and the Israeli army. It was the second knife attack in a day in the occupied area.

The stabbed the woman was lightly injured. There is conflicting information about the attacker’s condition, but Israeli medics say he was transferred to a hospital and Palestinian officials say that the man is dead.

On Sunday, a Palestinian stabbed to death a woman in her home in another settlement in the West Bank.

This item titled “Stabbing Spree in West Bank Settlements” was from TT, the Swedish wire service which usually runs foreign stories based on AFP reporting; this story is no exception. The story credit is TT-AFP. The original AFP story is eight times the length of the TT item.

Aftonbladet and AFP both avoid pointing out who did the stabbing in the titles, but only Aftonbladet strips the victims of any identity, and makes the story about the alleged Palestinian victim. The AFP story includes photos, but the TT paragraph has none.

The AFP story includes the names of both women, as well as biographical information. Regarding stabbing victim Froman, AFP notes that she was five months pregnant and, ironically, the daughter-in-law of the late peace activist, Rabbi Menahem Froman. Notice that when you omit the fact that the attacker knifed a pregnant woman and you describe her incorrectly as “lightly injured”, it adds a sense of disproportionality, especially when you cite Palestinian officials who claim, falsely, that the 19-year-old attacker was killed.

In other words, the Aftonbladet injustice here is that the Israelis “killed” a Palestinian because he “lightly injured” a settler. And, by the way, another settler woman was killed yesterday. What the Swedish media have done here is to make Jewish victims irrelevant while crying crocodile tears over the attackers.

One more telling item was stripped off to create the TT micro-version of this story: “Israel says incitement by Palestinian leaders and news media has been a main cause of the violence.” While AFP qualified the Israeli statement, it was fair enough to include it, which TT and Aftonbladet did not do. Incitement is really the engine behind the current wave of terror, which includes many of these stabbing attacks directed against Jews.

The Palestinian official media has been putting out constant incitement which includes graphic instructions on where to stick a knife and get the most lethal results. The end result of many of these attacks, though, is the death of the perpetrators, most of them susceptible teenagers who have been fed a diet of hateful propaganda from when they were tots.

While European donors to the PA, such as Sweden, have handed over very substantial sums, there is little supervision of where the money goes. As I noted last week, some of the money goes to shady alleged human rights organizations like the bloody-handed B’Tselem. Sloppy European largesse-flingers are despicable; they are willing partners with the PA which uses up to one-third of its donor monies to give subsidies to the families of terrorists, whether dead or imprisoned. Bottom line, the subsidies to the families make terrorism attractive ideologically and financially. That’s why Dafna Meir’s 15-year old admitted incitement-watching killer has a proud father, and yesterday two Arab youths murdered Shlomit Krigman in cold blood.

So-called liberal governmental actors like Sweden are negligent or intentional facilitators for creating teenage cannon-fodder for the PA propaganda machine. Incentivizing lethal hate crime by minors is morally reprehensible. When governmental actors’ comrades in the media are complicit in the de-legitimization and de-humanization of Jews who are victims of Arab terror, the result is a deadly duo.

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