Afghanistan Finnish Immigration Concerns


It’s what I have been telling you from the very beginning.

Taliban and their gold2

It’s so bad and obvious that even state officials are breaking ranks with the official meme and reporting things as they are. I do however disagree with the ambassador in one respect, the people from that area filing into Finland are illiterates, who can barely put one syllable in front of the other, but they have loads of cash, which means they are criminal elements. That makes them entirely undesirable for continued stay in the country.

Ambassador: Those coming from Afghanistan to Finland are precisely the standard of living refugees.

Afghanistan citizens heading to Europe is a big challenge, because the poorest are left and “parts of the rather well-educated middle class,” take off, says Ambassador Anne Meskanen.

Overview of Kabul landscape.
Embassy of Finland functions in the Afghan capital, Kabul. Photo: Hedayatullah Amid / EPA

Finnish Ambassador to Afghanistan estimated that those coming to Finland from Afghanistan are precisely standard of living refugees.

– Afghanistan is still in conflict, but the more important reason is of prospects. When thinking about that more than half of the population is unemployed – and those at work are often underemployed – sort of the example given for Syrian desires for leaving, Meskanen said Yle Radio 1’s Ykkösaamussa on Wednesday.

– People who should do work for the construction of their own country, leave it behind purely for a better future in the EU-Europe.

Meskanen stressed that life in Afghanistan is very normal in several provinces, while others are turbulent and violent. The heading to Europe, she says, is a big challenge, because the poorest are left and “parts of the rather well-educated middle class,” take off”.

– This is a serious problem for the Afghans, after all they then suffer a brain drain, Ambassador Meskanen notes.

Anne Meskanen has been in Afghanistan from the beginning of September. It is during the autumn of Afghans ending up in Finland has increased in abundance. A month ago, the country had for the whole year 2 000 asylum seekers, and at breakneck speed by Tuesday up to 4 900 for the whole year.

More here in Finnish. H/T: Kumitonttu

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