EU Statism


The EU is despicable, and contemptible (and whole host of juicy pejoratives).

They create the problem in the first place, then use it to grab even more sovereignty from the people.

collapsing EU

EU diplomats familiar with the situation say that such a lack of resources will also mean that an independent EU border patrol is a long way off. Beyond that, there are legal hurdles. And it is also unclear whether member states will give up sovereignty to a central authority in Brussels. Some five member states have signaled serious reservations. One EU diplomat in Brussels prophesied, “Years will pass before this thing flies.”

NOTE: Here’s to hoping that it never does.

EU wants centralized policing powers for its borders

The EU’s external borders have more holes than a block of Swiss cheese. That is why the European Commission now wants its own border police. Not all member states like the idea. Bernd Riegert reports from Brussels.

Europa Grenze Ungarn Serbien Flüchtlinge Migranten Ankunft Menschenmenge

Until now, member states alone were responsible for protecting the European Union’s borders. They placed great value in that fact, as the control of borders is one of the fundamental responsibilities of a sovereign state.

The European Commission wants to change that.

In September, prompted by the chaotic refugee situation on the EU’s external borders – especially in Greece, Croatia and Italy – EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker began calling for the creation of a new EU border and coast guard force with far reaching powers. At one of their many refugee and migration summits this fall, most heads of state and government voted to accept the plan in principle.

More here. H/T: Fjordman

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