Daniel Greenfield US politics


I have to also agree with Mark Levin, that the GOP RINO Establishment bears great responsibility for creating the Trump juggernaut. Offering no credible opposition to Obama and his policies, the people are tired of fecklessness and tepid responses, if not outright collusion, with this disaster of a president.


We can have a country where Republicans are a lot like Democrats. And vice versa.

Daniel Greenfield

A candidate runs for president. He clowns around for the cameras and then spews hate at millions of people. He proposes policies that would drastically violate civil rights. He incites riots that tear apart cities. By his second term, polls show an unprecedented level of racial divisiveness. The only thing blacks and whites agree on anymore is that race relations are in the toilet.

I’m talking about Obama of course.

(I know. Obama is awesome. It’s only the Republicans who are terrible. And only racists oppose race riots. Also there would be no more terrorism if we just banned guns and box cutters.)

What does any of this have to do with Trump? Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. You wanted to move the country to the left. Did you really think the other half of the country would just sit there while you broke more laws, abused more power and took away more of their civil rights?

Trump is here because of Obama. If you think Trump is bad, imagine what the opposition would look like if you got Bernie Sanders elected.

You know how you whined about Reagan? But Reagan would never have been in the White House if not for Carter. Just the same way that Giuliani would not have existed if it wasn’t for Dinkins.

Yes, there are parts of the country where you get your way all the time. But that’s never going to be America. Even Venezuela booted out the Chavez gang. Do you really think you’re going to get your Thousand Year Socialist Reich?

You won’t.

We can have a country where Republicans are a lot like Democrats. And vice versa. And people on the left and the right hate that. But the middle likes it. Then the left pulls to the left and the right pulls to the right. The more you pull to the left, the more the rubber band is going to snap back to the right.

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