Finland Finnish Academics Finnish Politics


imbecillis maximus

How about importing people who are already a benefit to society than illiterate leaches who can only exist on the public dole?

The use of temporary (only) welfare has long bean a means to motivate people into finding work. The cutting back on the myriad of regulations stifling the business sector (needed to boost productivity) as well as the little by little curtailing, and eventually ending, of the welfare state itself is also a necessary step, as are others just mentioned.

Economist: Immigrant unemployment down with German combo model

Research director Antti Kauhanen from the Research Institute of the Finnish Economy says that combining social security and wage work would help solve the problem of immigrants having trouble finding employment. Two Somali women echo some of Kauhanen’s sentiments.

Antti Kauhanen
Antti Kauhanen and his bullet points. Image: Derrick Frilund / Yle

Antti Kauhanen, research chief at the Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (Etla) says that reforming Finland’s social security and the job market are key in minimising immigrant unemployment.

“This is a problem we can fix,” he says. “By changing social security and collective bargaining we can create demand for low-wage jobs and thus increase the number of employed immigrants.”

Kauhanen says that the Finnish social security system should be reformed to make combining paid work and social benefits easier.

“We have held to the idea that wages from working jobs should be enough to live on, but this is not the case for certain demographics whose productivity is lower due to issues such as poor language skills,” he says, and adds that language training is another measure that needs to be better implemented.

More here.

NOTE: Creating a demand for low wage jobs by opening the floodgates of difficult to employ migrants, is going to further dress those wages (do to abundance of workers) as well as not creating the needed wealth to grow the economy. Here’s a shocker for the economist, the whole idea of growing an economy is to create wealth, not to shift dirt from one hole into another.

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