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Big difference being, they’re not the product of the multicultural ideology, but mostly people who married Finns and moved to the country.

The state news broadcaster is working over time to spin every story it can to provide enough teflon for the mass of these non-refugees coming into the country. Pathetic.

Daisy Ladies take asylum seekers shopping

A grass-roots group of older immigrant volunteers in Turku who arrived to the country years – sometimes decades – earlier, welcomes newly-arrived asylum seekers with the wisdom of their own experiences.

Hülya "Hissu" Kytö, of grass-roots group of older immigrant volunteers the Daisy Ladies, greets a young girl in Turku.
Hülya “Hissu” Kytö, of grass-roots group of older immigrant volunteers the Daisy Ladies, greets a young Iraqi girl in a Turku shop. Image: Yle

The Daisy Ladies, or Daisy Eläkeläiset, is a group of senior-aged volunteers in Turku who’ve already learned the ways of life in Finland. They’re offering the newly-arrived migrants vital support and wisdom from years of experience of living here.

The organisation’s executive manager – who arrived to the country from Turkey decades ago – Hülya “Hissu” Kytö says that their members provide everyday support to newly-arrived elderly immigrants.

“Everyone in our organisation knows what it’s like to come to Finland as an immigrant and now we have a chance to help those that are coming here,” Kytö says.

“Since many of us older immigrants have similar experiences, it’s relatively easy to build the trust of asylum seekers coming to Finland,” she says. “To gain this trust is important, because then you’re able to discuss everything in a completely different way.”

“No one suddenly leaves everything behind and moves”

Kytö arrived to Finland in the beginning of the 1970s and says a lot has changed since then.

“I still hope that working together, Finland can make this work out. But there are strong prejudices – that can be plainly seen,” Kytö says.

“I don’t know why things are this way. Because no person leaves everything behind and suddenly moves to a place they know nothing about,” she says. “I think people should take a look in the mirror and turn this around. How would it be if it was you that was forced to leave everything you have?”

“Nothing better than to make people happy”

Kytö says that she found that many of the male immigrants needed help learning basic tasks like as cooking for themselves.

“When we noticed that the men cannot cook and just lived on boiled eggs we started to help with that,” Kytö says. “We cook food that’s similar to the food they’re accustomed to and then they can buy prepared portions from us for two euros. Then they get a hot meal with vegetables.”

“We also have courses planned in Finnish, textile and handicraft courses for the women,” she said.

Kytö says that the organisation has contacted local sports clubs to arrange athletic activities for the men, and drawing courses for children.

“I think that everyone who comes here appreciates what we do and that means very much to me,” Kytö says. “This is my life. I enjoy seeing people smile – there is simply nothing better than to make people happy.”

A young girl named Maria and the rest of her Iraqi family, are being helped by Kytö at a Finnish grocery store. The family has been in Turku for the past four days, but Maria appears to have already made a friend.

“‘Hissu’  and her friends are very nice to us,” Maria says. “They give us clothes and shoes and today we get help food shopping. ‘Hissu’ is very kind.”

There are several branches of the Daisy Ladies volunteer organisation in Turku that address other immigrant demographics: Daisy Pensioners, Daisy Gentlemen and Daisy Youngclub.


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