Free Speech UK politics UK. Muslims in the UK


We are now living in a West in which its leaders have soundly rejected the hard won victories of the enlightenment, and for what, a row kebab stores to dot each side of the street?


We’re no longer in a place where we risk losing our freedom; now there is a pressing need to take it back. It’s imperative of course that we confront this “racism” accusation. It is a given in public debate that a racist is just about the worst thing you can be, and a racist standpoint is the worst political position one can hold. “Hate speech” is a crime. At no point however has either “racism” or “hate” been clearly defined, and so it bows to the definition of the one who screeches it loudest.

This cannot be forgotten. That the British are too afraid to host cartoons cannot be brushed over. That is why today I am calling for the creation of a global coalition for free speech. It needs to have a voice at the UN (and take on the OIC), as well as the EU (also busy with hate speech and “tolerance”), and in as many countries as possible. It cannot be a talking shop put together to discuss shouting fire in a crowded theatre, but a tireless campaign to actively defend, by legislation and other means, the right of people to criticise, analyse, reject, satirise, and mock any single set of beliefs which is capable of affecting society as a whole, especially its freedoms.


It’s an odd feeling sitting down to write this, it’s a mixture of relief and foreboding. The Mohammed Cartoon exhibit that I and others had planned for September in London has been cancelled, and the fact that this has brought relief should offer some clues as to why.

Over the last few weeks, I have had several conversations with both Scotland Yard and counter-terror detectives. My conclusion? That the risk of running this exhibition is simply too high. When setting out to do something like this, one has to be prepared for the possibility of threats, or even violence, but it’s easy to underestimate the impact such things will have on the people around you.

There’s a very real possibility that people could be hurt or killed – before, during, and after the event. This, together with the fact that our venue had indicated it wanted to pull out citing security and insurance concerns, and given the fear that people were feeling generally, the only responsible thing to do was to pull back and try to learn some lessons. I have not learned lessons as much as I have had my suspicions confirmed. There are two major messages to take on board from this episode: 1) Britain is a frightened nation, and 2) our freedom is not going away, it has gone.

You may think it obvious to state that Britain is frightened, but I think it is worse than most people imagine. Just the word “Islam” evokes fear in the majority of the people I meet, and this is amplified upon mention of “Mohammed cartoons”. There is a tangible uneasiness, an anxiety around violence and death – in people’s minds these shift from possibility to probability upon mention of a Mohammed cartoon, and that can be rather sobering. Fear is controlling our society where Islam is concerned, and it was fear that got this exhibit cancelled.

Absurdly, people are almost as frightened of being called a racist, or being associated with someone who was once called racist, as they are of physical violence. We saw again throughout this process that even those who pretend to argue for free speech draw a line at anyone who talks about race. Leftist activists will say what they have said throughout; free speech for all, except him.

More here. H/T: Buck

One Response

  1. Islam is nothing more than fear, driven by unseen jihadis. As the number of unseen jihadis goes up, the fear increases.

    Great. So in the UK today there is obviously so many unseen jihadis that everyone if fearful of them.

    You are a simple short step away from the unseen jihadis controlling everything. And that is how an Islamic hell hole operates.

    Good luck UK.

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