Islamic Mentality ISLAMIC STATE Islamic Supremacy


The Muslim Brotherhood has the same agenda and guidelines.

ISIS supporter releases guide on establishing ‘Muslim gangs’, how to spread hate among Islamic communities, stop them integrating with non-Muslims, and using charities as fronts to raise cash


The book attempts to justify  pro-Shariah law protests as a clash of civilisations and encourages violence

The book attempts to justify pro-Shariah law protests as a clash of civilisations and encourages violence

 The handbook draws on some of the latest terror arrest cases, including the jailing of 20-year-old Zakariya Ashiq (left), from Coventry, for allegedly trying to join ISIS. It mentions a previous book by the same author about lone wolf attacks, inspired by convicted radical Brusthom Ziamani, who was planning on carrying out a Lee Rigby style attack
  • Terrifying guide has bombmaking instructions and recruitment strategies
  • The guide suggests gang members should carry out muggings and fraud to finance weapons and other bombmaking equipment
  • It encourages wannabe jihadis to fortify their homes using booby traps

Jihadi supporters have been circulating a radical guidebook on social media, providing deadly instructions on how to create an active terror cell.

The shocking handbook, which has not been named by the MailOnline, worryingly contains a chapter by chapter guide to financing ‘Muslim gangs’ and obtaining weapons in the UK.

The book appears to be targeting a British audience, with harrowing references to a number of Britain’s worst terror cases.

The book is littered with distorted Koranic quotes and statements from radical hate clerics

The book is littered with distorted Koranic quotes and statements from radical hate clerics

The book appears to be the work of a dedicated jihadist with instructions on how to carry out terror acts 

The book appears to be the work of a dedicated jihadist with instructions on how to carry out terror acts

Behind the cover of a charitable organisation raising awareness of Islamic teachings, gang members are urged to draw in recruits covertly off the streets.

Terrifyingly detailed bombmaking instructions are laid out in another chapter, complete with basic diagrams for making a bomb out of a fizzy drink can.

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One Response

  1. There is no irrational fear of Islam ie Islamophobia. What there is, is a rational fear that the authorities have allowed the growth of a totalitarian ideology masquerading as a religion.

    Muslims in Britain were/are responsible for terrorism, for the rapes of tens of thousands of young White girls, and criminal activitires on a large scale. In addition, they intend to impose sharia in the UK.

    Our intervention in Iraq was probably wrong, but what it has shown is that the allegiance of supposedly loyal Muslim citizens of Britain, lies with Islam and not Britain. It can never be acceptable to have large numbers of people living in any country whose loyalties lie elsewhere. That way lies civil war and a catastrophe for all.

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