

No, like Fjordman points out, he would be vilified like Pim Fortuyn.

Would a Transsexual Geert Wilders Be Hailed as a Hero?

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Would a Transsexual Geert Wilders Be Hailed as a Hero?

by Fjordman

have been watching the Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner story unfold with some interest. Not because I think Mr. or Ms. Jenner is very interesting — I don’t. But the reactions sometimes are. He, or she, or whatever is the appropriate term is now reveals very interesting things about our society. Jenner is hailed as a hero, for making a sex change.

Contrast this with the anti-Islamic Dutch politician Geert Wilders. There are millions of people in The Netherlands and across Europe who view Mr. Wilders as a hero. However, that is not how the mainstream media usually portray him. Western mass media often present Wilders as a dangerous “right-wing extremist Islamophobe”. They do this even though he is the one who has to live with constant death threats from radical Muslims.

To Western media and cultural elites, Geert Wilders is not a hero for risking his life by standing up to an ideology that is a threat to European civilization and has been a menace to the world for fourteen centuries. Bruce Jenner is hailed as a hero by the same media and cultural elites. For cutting off his penis. The person now being referred to as Caitlyn Jenner insists on being treated as a woman. This presumably means that she no longer has a penis. (I don’t really need to know that particular detail, but I would assume it to be the case.)

Just being gay is no longer news. The Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn was gay, and he was still vilified by the mass media and eventually assassinated. Being a homosexual is no longer enough. You now have to be a transsexual to stand out from the crowd.

If Geert Wilders suddenly decided to remove his penis and start wearing a dress and shoes with high heels, he would magically be transformed from a villain to a hero. I am not even sure if that is entirely a joke. When the entire Western world starts looking like a Monty Python sketch, it is hard to tell when reality ends and the joke begins.

Now, what does all this say about Western society today? I would claim that it reveals a culture that is deeply sick and twisted. I am sure there are individuals who are transsexual, but why should we overtly celebrate that? Compare this to the polite and highly educated Swedish artist Lars Vilks. He is now homeless and under constant police protection because he made some drawings of a man who may or may not have lived in the seventh century AD. Yet he is not celebrated in the same manner that Jenner is being celebrated in 2015.

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