Finland Lars Vilks


Coward parliament secretary general takes responsibility.

H/T: Vasara Hammer: ”This is typical behaviour from the Finnish authorities. Put your head in the sand and hope that all the bad things go away. Note that Anjem Choudary was allowed to spout his filth freely. Also, PS leader Timo Soini agrees. It is clear that Soini is no principled defender of free speech. I’ve always known this but it is depressing to see it again. ”

Lars Vilks yritettiin surmata viimeksi tänä keväänä Kööpenhaminassa pidetyssä tilaisuudessa.

Seppo Tiitinen took responsibility for cancelling the Vilks event – “After all, it has been seen that bombs start popping”

Eduskunnan pääsihteeri Seppo Tiinen oli päätöksen takana.

The Parliamentary Secretary General, Seppo Tiitinen, decided to cancel the debate in the parliament due to Security Police threat assessments.

Earlier, MP Mika Raatikainen (ps) reported the information sent by the Speaker of Parliament, Eero Heinäluoma (SDP)  that the opportunity to organize a free speech event Parliament next week would be denied.  The Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks, who drew Mohammed cartoons was invited to the event, has received as death threats as well as attempted murder.

Now, the Secretary General Seppo Tiitinen correct the information that the decision prohibiting the event was not Heinäluoma, but Tiitinen himself.

– The security police have received two of threat assessment on the event. Another threat assessments came yesterday. I did not see any other choice than to react negatively to the organizing of the event in light of upcoming elections, which is not related to the function of Parliament, and for which the security threat assessments are so disturbing, Tiitinen says.

Ilta Sanomat.


Parliament cancels Mohammed cartoonist visit

The Finnish parliament has cancelled a discussion event where the Swedish artist Lars Vilks, known for his depictions of the prophet Mohammed. The Secretary General of the Finnish parliament said that the cancellation was made on Security Intelligence Police advice.

Image: Yle

A planned discussion event due to be held on parliamentary premises, and organised by Finns Party MP Mika Raatikainen, has been cancelled on the advice of the Security Intelligence Police (Supo). Swedish artist Lars Vilks, who is mainly known for drawing the prophet Mohammed, was due to attend the event to discuss freedom of speech issues.

According to a press release from parliament, the decision was made due to a threat assessment from Supo and because the event was not directly related to parliament’s work.

Raatikainen had on Friday morning released his own statement in which he blamed Social Democrat and speaker of parliament Eero Heinäluoma for cancelling the event. According to parliament, the decision was made by the Secretary General of parliament, Seppo Tiitinen.

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