Finland Islam in Finland Islam is deception


More interfaith nonsense.

The main idea for the Muslims, like elsewhere in Europe, is to piggy back the meme of ”islamofauxbia” on top that of actual, real hatred for Jews. I’m not impressed, nor fooled.

Andy Bostom nails it here as well. 

A treasure trove of truthfulness. The imam makes it very clear what I’ve been saying about ”interfaith dialogue” over the years, it has no place in Islam. So when Muslims engage in it, it’s all for the furthering of Islamic goals, like using churches and synagogues for prayer, but never ever allowing any kind or reciprocity of the same.

NOTE: Islam is not here to co-exist, but to eventually supplant.


Muslims, Christians and Jews go for a friendship walk on Thursday 5.3. at 9:30 am

Located in the center of Helsinki Finnish Islamic Association Mosque, the Old Lutheran Church and the Jewish Synagogue, within walking distance of each other.

On Thursday morning 5.3. these three religious representatives will walk together on a route joining the three shrines. It is a sign of friendship and the desire to promote peace and security in Finland, Europe and the world. At the end of the Friendship walk at the Helsinki synagogue gate approx. 10 am,  National Forum for Cooperation of Religions in Finland will announce in a joint statement, the Finnish Ecumenical Council of Finland and the Finnish Islamic Council and the Jewish Communities Central Council on the eve of parliamentary elections. Friendship Walk begins at the front doorof the Finnish Islamic Association Mosque, Lönnrotinkatu 22, Thursday 03.05. at 9:30 am. Welcome! USKOT RESA

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