Islam in Denmark islamic concepts Islamic Dawa Islamic Intolerance


Clarity is such a wonderful thing.

UPDATE and BUMP: Andy Bostom sends in the following, scroll down for more.

A treasure trove of truthfulness. The imam makes it very clear what I’ve been saying about ”interfaith dialogue” over the years, it has no place in Islam. So when Muslims engage in it, it’s all for the furthering of Islamic goals, like using churches and synagogues for prayer, but never ever allowing any kind or reciprocity of the same.

NOTE: Islam is not here to co-exist, but to eventually supplant.

On Eve of Synagogue Attack in Denmark, Copenhagen Imam Incited Against Jews 

FEBRUARY 18, 2015 5:06 PM

Author:David Daoud

During a Friday, February 13 sermon – one day before the weekend’s terror attacks in Copenhagen – Hajj Saeed, the Imam of the Al-Faruq Mosque in the city, rejected interfaith dialogue with Jews, watchdog MEMRI TVreported, publishing footage of the lecture.

From his pulpit, Saeed called interfaith dialogue a “malignant idea,” and claimed that, “the people responsible for interfaith dialogue want to make all religions equal. [By doing so] they want to equate Truth with Falsehood. Between heresy and deception, between the religion of the Prophet Muhammad and man-made laws, legislated by these criminals in order to rule the world.”

Behind Saeed hung a black flag, commonly associated with the Islamist extremist group Hizb ut-Tahrir, an international pan-Islamic political organization with the goal of uniting all Muslim countries under the aegis of an Islamic State. His sermon was posted on the internet by the group’s Scandinavian chapter.

Regarding Jews specifically, Saeed said that the Prophet Mohammad had Jewish neighbors in Medina, but instead of trying to call for reconciliation with them, “in the manner of…those who call to reconcile Truth with Falsehood,” he called them to accept Islam. And when they rejected his call to Islam, “he waged war against the Jews.”

More here.

Copenhagen Imam On Eve of 2/14/15 Jihad Terror Attack Eschewed “Dialogue,” Stated: “Muhammad Waged War Against The Jews”

Per the invaluable Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), the sermon excerpted below, validates what I wrote about at length in my essay, “Re-enacting Muhammad in Copenhagen.”

On the evening before jihadist Omar Abdel Hamid el-Hussein murderously attacked both a Copenhagen free speech conference, and then a synagogue, Hajj Saeed, Imam of the Al-Faruq Mosque in Copenhagen, eschewed “dialogue” with Jews, reminding his Muslim listeners that Muhammad waged jihad against the Jews when they failed to submit to his nascent Islamic order. The good imam Saeed intoned the following during his February 13, 2015 sermon:

Our Prophet Muhammad had Jewish neighbors in Al-Madina. Did he call for closer relations, harmony, and dialogue with them, in the manner of the UN and of those who call to reconciliation Truth and Falsehood? Or did he call upon them to worship Allah? When they violated their pledge and did not accept this call – well, you know what he did to them. It appears in his Sira. He waged war against the Jews.

More here.

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