Academics Charlie Hebdo Finnish activists Hämeen-Anttila


The usual vaporings from the academic (hack) spinmeister.

Any such ”seclusion” from society, resulted from too much Islam.

Hämeen-Anttila doofus 8.1.2015


– I see this primarily as an attack by a few deranged man, which they are quite happy to see themselves as part of the large world-wide struggle between good and evil. And apparently their opinion they are on the good side.


– When you consider that in the background, these are disturbed people, so there is a lot of pent-up aggression, experiencing society and the environment in some way hostile, looking for a target, which insulted and annoyed them.


Häme-Anttila, the background to the attack is not from the cause of religion, but of societal segregation.

– People do not make violent acts purely for ideological reasons, in the background there is the whole human psychological situation, he could explain things to himself that the white race is the best, so lets go beat up some immigrants. Yes, it comes from the internal situation of the individual, ideology is glued on top.

More here in Finnish.

NOTE: I prefer looking at these Islam 101’ers as jihadi bounty hunters with an al-Qaida hit list.

al-qaida HITLIST-630x286

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