Charlie Hebdo Islamic Child Abuse


No they didn’t.

hedbo cartoonist says all's forgiven

He displayed amazing magnanimity toward the killers, brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi.

“The terrorists were once kids, they drew like us, like all kids, then one day they perhaps lost their sense of humor, perhaps their child soul able to see the world from a bit of a distance,” he said. More here.

Danish Psychologist Nicolai Sennels on Muslim youth

Another powerful defence mechanism within Islamic culture is found within Muslim child rearing. A very real threat of violence and even death is over every Muslim child’s head, should he or she decide to choose another life style than that of its parents. Even if the parents allow their child to choose his or her own religion — or none at all — other Muslims are dedicating their lives to kill them. Together with the wide use of violence and even torture within Muslim families, the horrific amount of daily family executions of Muslim youth is enough to keep the vast majority from even considering escaping the way of the sharia. The Quran’s and the Hadiths’ many promises of hellfire to those who go against Muhammad’s orders and example scares many from leaving the culture that brings them so much suffering. I clearly remember how several Muslim inmates at the prison I was working in as a Psychologist expressed what seemed to be compassion, when I told them that I do not believe in Allah.

In order to further make sure that children grow up to follow the same patterns as their family, many of them are subjected to mind-numbing repetitions of Islam’s exceedingly violent scriptures, making many of them ticking time bombs wherever they live.

Also, read his post from 2012: Why Are Muslims More Violent and Criminal?

One Response

  1. Next thing he’s going to tell me is that the were human once.

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