The woman went to the UAE to ”immerse herself in Arab culture” and all she got was a knife in the back for her efforts.

UAE police arrest suspect in stabbing death of American teacher

Video purportedly shows raid to capture UAE stabbing suspect

The United Arab Emirates’ interior minister said Thursday that police have arrested a female suspect in the killing of an American schoolteacher in an upscale Abu Dhabi mall.

After carrying out the murder at the Boutik Mall on the capital’s Reem Island, the attacker also left a makeshift bomb at the house of a 46-year-old Egyptian-American doctor in the prominent waterfront Corniche area, authorities revealed.

One of the doctor’s sons discovered the device as he headed out for sunset prayers at a local mosque, and police were able to dismantle it before it could cause any damage, Interior Minister Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan said.

The bomb, which authorities described as primitive, included small gas cylinders, a lighter, glue and nails.

Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, who is also deputy prime minister, said the attacker targeted her victims based on their nationality alone in an attempt to create chaos and terrorize the country. He called the stabbing a crime that is “alien to our secure country.”

More here. H/T: Fjordman

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